The Simulation, where we are and were to go

October 21, 2009
by Tonje Stolpestad (tstolpes)

Applet (does not feature the data collection)

Where we are:

The simulation is back to greyscale. The current version, greyscale_7, has 3 regions that are all attatched. Each region are attached to both of the others. The regions all have an identifying tag, 1 for the left region, 2 for top right, 3 for bottom right and 0 for the road and bridges.  It starts with 4 circles, all in region 1. Each circle is given a unique id tag. We are recording id, parent, generation (parent’s generation +1), color, birthplace, death place, time of death, and list of regions it has been in.




(Algerian needs to be in a folder called data that is in the same folder as greyscale_7)

Where to go from here:

Since we are focusing on the width of the bridge we want to make several simulations with different widths of the bridge (One idea is how does several thinner bridges with a combined width x compare to one big bridge with width x). We can also change the shape of the bridge by making the road wider. A last thing to model is the patch bridge. Instead of a simple bridge like the ones we have in our current model we have several smaller patches that are not quite connected but together form a bridge.

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